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# Must-read papers
## [Content](#content)
<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#theory">1. Theory</a></td></tr>
<td>&emsp;<a href="#machine-learning-theory">1.1 Machine Learning</a></td>
<td>&ensp;<a href="#deep-learning-theory">1.2 Deep Learning</a></td>
<td>&emsp;<a href="#radiomics-theory">1.3 Radiomics</a></td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#applications">2. Applications</a></td></tr>
<td>&emsp;<a href="#machine-learning">2.1 Machine Learning</a></td>
<td>&ensp;<a href="#deep-learning">2.2 Deep Learning</a></td>
<td>&emsp;<a href="#radiomics">2.3 Radiomics</a></td>
<td>&ensp;<a href="#combination">2.4 Combination</a></td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#survey-and-review">3. Survey And Review</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#related-research-platform">4. Related Research Platform</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#public-data">5. Public Data</a></td></tr>
## [Theory](#content)
### [Machine Learning Theory](#content)
### [Deep Learning Theory](#content)
### [Radiomics Theory](#content)
1. 医学成像技术重庆大学出版社2005 [*[read]*](/Theory/Radiomics/医学成像技术.pdf)
## [Applications](#content)
### [Machine Learning](#content)
1. **Machine learning-based phenogrouping in heart failure to identify responders to cardiac resynchronization therapy,** European Journal of Heart Failure (2018) [*[read]*](
*Maja Cikes1, Sergio Sanchez-Martinez, Brian Claggett, Nicolas Duchateau, Gemma Piella, Constantine Butakoff, Anne Catherine Pouleur, Dorit Knappe, Tor Biering-Sørensen, Valentina Kutyifa, Arthur Moss, Kenneth Stein, Scott D. Solomon, and Bart Bijnens*
1. **Cardiologist-level arrhythmia detection and classification in ambulatory electrocardiograms using a deep neural network,** Nature Medicine 25, 6569(2019) [*[read]*](
*Awni Y. Hannun Pranav Rajpurkar, Masoumeh Haghpanahi, Geoffrey H. Tison, Codie Bourn, Mintu P. Turakhia and Andrew Y. Ng*
1. **Performance and Reading Time of Automated Breast US with or without Computer-aided,** Radiology 292:540549(2019) [*[read]*](
*Shanling Yang, MD • Xican Gao, MD • Liwen Liu, PhD, MD • Rui Shu, MD • Jingru Yan, MD • Ge Zhang, MD • Yao Xiao, MD • Yan Ju, MS • Ni Zhao, MD • Hongping Song, PhD, MD*
1. **Impact of Data Presentation on Physician Performance Utilizing ArtificialIntelligence-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis and DecisionSupport Systems,** Journal of Digital Imaging 32:408416 (2019) [*[read]*](
*L. Barinov1,2,3 A. Jairaj1 M. Becker3,4 SSeymour1 E. Lee3,4 A. Schram3,4&E. Lane4&A. Goldszal3,4 D. Quigley4 L. Paster3,4*
1. 基于支持向量机的肝脏肿瘤良、恶性识别研究浙江大学硕士学位论文2012 [*[read]*](基于支持向量机的肝脏肿瘤良、恶性识别研究2012硕士论文.pdf)
### [Deep Learning](#content)
1. 基于深度学习的医学CT图像中器官的区域检测 南京师范大学,硕士学位论文 (2018) [*[read]*](基于深度学习的医学CT图像中器官的区域检测_嵇伟伟.caj)
1. **Management of Thyroid Nodules Seen on US Images:Deep Learning May Match Performance of Radiologists** Radiology 292:695701(2019) [*[read]*](
*Mateusz Buda, MSc • Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD • Jenny K. Hoang, MBBS, MHS • David Thayer, PhD, MD •Franklin N. Tessler, MD • William D. Middleton, MD • Maciej A. Mazurowski, PhD*
1. **Liver fibrosis classification based on transfer learning and FCNet for ultrasound images** IEEE Access (2017) [*[read]*](/Applications/Deep%20Learning/Liver%20fibrosis%20classification%20based%20on%20transfer%20learning%20and%20FCNet%20for%20ultrasound%20images.pdf)
1. **Learning to diagnose cirrhosis with liver capsule guided ultrasound image classification** Sensors (2017) [*[read]*](/Applications/Deep%20Learning/Learning%20to%20diagnose%20cirrhosis%20with%20liver%20capsule%20guided%20ultrasound%20image%20classification.pdf)
*Xiang Liu , Jia Lin Song , Shuo Hong Wang , Jing Wen Zhao and Yan Qiu Chen*
1. **Breast Tumor Detection in Ultrasound Images Using Deep Learning** __Conference Paper__ in Lecture Notes in Computer Science · August 2017 [*[read]*](/Applications/Deep%20Learning/Breast%20Tumor%20Detection%20in%20Ultrasound%20Images%20Using%20Deep%20Learning.pdf)
*Zhantao Cao, Lixin Duan, Guowu Yang, Ting Yue, Qin Chen, Huazhu Fu, and Yanwu Xu*
1. **Automated detection and classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images using clinical-knowledge-guided convolutional neural networks,** Medical Image Analysis, 58(2019) [*[read]*](
1. **Ensembled deep learning model outperforms human experts in diagnosing biliary atresia from sonographic gallbladder images,** nature communications, 2021 [*[read]*](
*Wenying Zhou, Yang Yang, Cheng Yu, Juxian Liu and Xingxing Duan et al.*
### [Radiomics](#content)
* #### 非超声
1. **Radiomics Analysis for Evaluation of Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer,** Clinical Cancer Research (2017) [*[read]*](
*Zhenyu Liu, Xiao-Yan Zhang,Yan-Jie Shi, Lin Wang, Hai-Tao Zhu, Zhenchao Tang, Shuo Wang, Xiao-Ting Li, Jie Tian, and Ying-Shi Sun*
* #### 超声
1. 面向淋巴结病变多分类鉴别的弹性和 B 型 双模态超声影像组学, 生物医学工程学杂志2019年12月第36卷第6期 [*[read]*](
*石颉1, 2江建伟3常婉英3陈曼3张麒1, 2*
1. 实时超声造影技术诊断肾脏实性占位病变的价值南方医科大学学报2014 [*[read]*](
*李 鑫,梁 萍,于晓玲,于 杰,程志刚,韩志宇,刘方义,穆梦娟*
### [Combination](#content)
* ### Machine Learning & Radiomics
* ### Deep Learning & Radiomics
1. **Deep learning Radiomics of shear wave elastography significantly improved diagnostic performance for assessing liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis B: a prospective multicentre study,** GUT (2018) [*[read]*](
*Wang K, et al.*
1. 基于影像组学和深度迁移学习的超声图像肝纤维化评估方法研究, 深圳大学,硕士学位论文 (2019) [*[read]*](
## [Survey And Review](#content)
1. 计算机辅助诊断技术在超声医学中的应用进展, 综述肿瘤影像学2019年第28卷第5期[*[read]*](/Servey%20And%20Review/计算机辅助诊断技术在超声医学中的应用进展.pdf)
*毕 珂,王 茵*
1. 人工智能时代超声医学新发展综述第二军医大学学报2019 年 5 月第 40 卷第 5 期[*[read]*](/Servey%20And%20Review/人工智能时代超声医学新发展.pdf)
*赵佳琦,刁宗平,徐  琪,章建全*
1. 基于大数据和人工智能的超声医学发展现状及问题研究, 综述肿瘤影像学2020年第29卷第4期 [*[read]*](/Servey%20And%20Review/%E5%9F%BA%E4%BA%8E%E5%A4%A7%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%E5%92%8C%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E7%9A%84%E8%B6%85%E5%A3%B0%E5%8C%BB%E5%AD%A6%E5%8F%91%E5%B1%95%E7%8E%B0%E7%8A%B6%E5%8F%8A%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6.pdf)
*王海星,杨志清,郭玲玲,郭燕青,张 靓,齐 昊*
1. 深度学习在医学超声图像分析中的应用综述Engineering 5(2): 261275 (2019) [*[read]*]( [*[英文原文]*](
1. **A Survey on Domain Knowledge Powered Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis**arXiv e-prints (2020) [*[read]*](/Servey%20And%20Review/A%20Survey%20on%20Domain%20Knowledge%20Powered%20Deep.pdf)
*Xiaozheng Xie, Jianwei Niu, Senior Member, IEEE, Xuefeng Liu, Zhengsu Chen, and ShaojieTang, Member, IEEE*
## [Related Research Platform](#content)
+ [中国科学院分子影像重点实验室](
+ [Radiology](
+ [混合成像系统实验室](
## [Public Data](#content)
+ [ISBI生物医学成像国际研讨会每届数据下载地址](
+ [哈佛beamandrew机器学习和医学影像研究者贡献的数据集](
+ [心脏病心房图像及标注数据](
+ [癌症CT影像数据](
+ [软组织肉瘤CT图像数据](
+ [肺癌CT图像数据](
+ [癌症MRI影像数据](
+ [MICCAI胰腺分割数据集](
+ [The National Library of Medicine presents MedPix](
+ [结肠癌CT数据](
+ [AMRG Cardiac Atlas心脏MRI图像](
+ [大脑MRI数据集](
+ [肺部图像数据库联盟](
+ [INbreast数字化乳腺摄影数据库](
+ [前列腺癌数据集](
+ [DeepLesion:多类别、病灶级别标注临床医疗CT图像开放数据集230G](
+ [MURA:基于深度学习检测骨骼疾病(吴恩达团队公布)](
+ [LiTS肝脏/肝肿瘤分割](